While this site has participated in Doors Open Ontario in the past, it may not be part of the current season’s program. Please check the Home page for this year’s events and participating sites. For Toronto and Ottawa, check their local websites to confirm.

Bruce County Walkerton Patrol Shopin-person Doors Open Brockton


  • In-person
  • Parking
Bruce County Walkerton Patrol Shop

The Bruce County’s Walkerton Patrol Shop ensures the safety and maintenance of roads throughout the community. The original part of the building is used for vehicle storage by night, and vehicle maintenance by day. The two-bay addition houses a welding/fabrication shop. And the office, employee amenities and storage area also house a sign shop and vehicle parts storage.

Contact info

94 Bruce Road 2
Walkerton, Ontario


Year built: 1960
Building type:Government buildingTransportation

Dates/hours open

Sep 28, 10:00am - Sep 28, 04:00pm

Saturday: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.