Downtown Hamilton Memory Lane Virtual TourDigital Doors Open Hamilton Region

  • Digital Doors Open
  • Self-guided tours available
Downtown Hamilton Memory Lane Virtual Tour

There are many ways to help educate a community about its history, but there is no better way than to encourage people to get out and experience it firsthand. When in-person walking tours were not possible, the Downtown Hamilton Business Improvement Association (BIA) created an initiative called Memory Lane. Memory Lane offers an in-depth self-guided tour with scannable QR codes. All you have to do to get started is to search out the QR codes across the BIA and scan them to reveal the history of that property, complete with vintage photos provided by Hamilton Public Libraries’ Local History and Archives department. Alternatively, you can navigate Memory Lane online and explore the past from the comfort of your home.

Contact info

Start at 1 King Street West
Hamilton, Ontario


Year built: Various

Architect: Various

Dates/hours open

Mar 06, 12:22pm - Mar 06, 12:22pm