Walnut Acres Farmhousein-person Doors Open Lambton County


  • In-person
  • Guided tours available
  • Parking
  • Washrooms
  • Photography allowed
Walnut Acres Farmhouse

This century farmhouse was built by William MacDonald, the great-grandfather of present owner David Ferguson. The home maintains its original slate roof, five stained-glass windows, mahogany/walnut staircase/living room entrance and majestic outdoor two-level wrap-around porch. Together with his wife Gabrielle, the Fergusons will be happy to provide description and history. Today, the house is a popular bed-and-breakfast establishment.

Contact info

4288 Old Walnut Road
Watford, Ontario



Year built: 1915-17
Building type:Private residenceFarm
Architectural style:Edwardian

Dates/hours open

Sep 28, 10:00am - Sep 28, 04:00pm

Saturday: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.