Orillia Public Libraryin-person Doors Open Simcoe County
- In-person
- Full wheelchair access
- Kid-friendly
- Parking
- Self-guided tours available
- Washrooms
Spend some time at the library and enjoy their robust programming schedule during Doors Open – including how to: code with the Codemobile, write a song, program “Hobots,” do kindergarten readiness at home, do five-minute makeup, barbecue, spin wool, repair drywall, bird watch, garden in small spaces, quilt, repair your bicycle, and more!
Contact info
36 Mississaga Street WestOrillia, Ontario
Year built: 2012Building type:Green buildingLibrary
Architect: Acuqicon
Dates/hours open
Sep 29, 10:00am - Sep 29, 03:00pmSaturday: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.