Timmins Museum: National Exhibition Centrein-person Doors Open Timmins

  • In-person
  • Full wheelchair access
  • Guided tours available
  • Kid-friendly
  • Parking
  • Self-guided tours available
  • Washrooms
  • Photography allowed
  • Rental opportunities
Timmins Museum: National Exhibition Centre

The Timmins Museum: National Exhibition Centre is a public resource dedicated to the presentation, promotion and preservation of local heritage. You can explore their new permanent exhibition Where We Stand: Stories of the Land and try out the new virtual-reality mining experience. The museum has a large gift shop filled with products from local artists and other Canadian-made goods!

The Timmins Museum: National Exhibition Centre is a public resource dedicated to the presentation, promotion and preservation of local heritage. You can explore their new permanent exhibition Where We Stand: Stories of the Land and try out the new virtual-reality mining experience. The museum has an extensive photograph collection housed in their archives as well as a large gift shop filled with products from local artists and other Canadian-made goods.

Contact info

325 Second Avenue
Timmins, Ontario
E-mail: museum@timmins.ca


Year built: 2001
Building type:Museum

Dates/hours open

Oct 05, 10:00am - Oct 05, 04:00pm

Saturday: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.