While this site has participated in Doors Open Ontario in the past, it may not be part of the current season’s program. Please check the Home page for this year’s events and participating sites. For Toronto and Ottawa, check their local websites to confirm.

Enoch Turner SchoolhouseDigital Doors Open Toronto

  • Digital Doors Open
  • Videos
  • Virtual tours
  • Kid-friendly
  • Site has blue and gold provincial plaque
  • Site is protected by the Ontario Heritage Trust
Enoch Turner Schoolhouse

Enoch Turner Schoolhouse, Toronto’s oldest standing and first free school, opened to the children of Corktown in 1849. It served as an important catalyst for accessible public education in the province. Today, the site is a museum and events venue where visitors can step back in time to an urban Victorian classroom. Come and tour the site for Doors Open.

Enoch Turner Schoolhouse, Toronto’s oldest school still standing, is today a public museum and conference and special events venue. The original one-room school was established in 1849 by Enoch Turner (1792-1866), a wealthy brewer and philanthropist, to educate the children in the poor neighbourhood surrounding his brewery. Because many of the area's immigrant families were from County Cork in Ireland, the neighbourhood became known as Corktown – a nickname that it still carries today. From the 1860s to the 1960s, the schoolhouse served as the parish hall and Sunday school for the neighbouring Little Trinity Anglican Church. But, by the late 1960s, the building had fallen into disrepair. To protect the building and to raise funds for its restoration, the Enoch Turner Schoolhouse Foundation was established in 1971. They continue to this day – along with the Ontario Heritage Trust – to showcase the site through events, museum activities, school groups and more, to build awareness and raise money for the site. As part of Digital Doors Open, Enoch Turner Schoolhouse offers a virtual tour of the site, including the original classroom. Or learn more about this site through the video below, and on the new video page on their website.

Contact info

106 Trinity Street
Toronto, Ontario



Year built: 1848
Building type:MuseumSchoolhouse

Dates/hours open

May 28, 10:00am - May 28, 05:00pm

Sunday only: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.