While this site has participated in Doors Open Ontario in the past, it may not be part of the current season’s program. Please check the Home page for this year’s events and participating sites.

Royal Ontario MuseumDigital Doors Open Toronto

  • Digital Doors Open
  • Videos
  • Collections and resources
  • Kid-friendly
  • Site has blue and gold provincial plaque
Royal Ontario Museum

The Royal Ontario Museum has been a beloved Toronto institution since it opened in 1914. For Doors Open, only the Daphne Cockwell Gallery – dedicated to First Peoples’ art and culture – and the recently reimagined Weston entrance with its iconic mosaic-domed rotunda will be free to visit. Admission will be required to see other galleries.

The Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) is an iconic site in the heart of Toronto. With 13 million artworks, cultural objects and natural history specimens in 40 gallery and exhibition spaces, the ROM showcases pieces from around the world and across the ages. The museum has now reopened (see their Visitor Policies for new guidelines or download a map in your preferred language), with exciting exhibitions currently open – Egyptian Mummies: Ancient Lives. New Discoveries, Winnie-the-Pooh: Exploring a Classic and The Cloth that Changed the World: India's Painted and Printed Cottons. The ROM also continues to offer an extensive ROM@Home series of videos and activities to keep you and your families engaged – like Teaching Indigenous Knowledge, Leeches and Evolution, Stone Tools from the Paleolithic, Fashion Research and the ROM Library, or making your own dinosaur eggs. The museum also features a roster of free Zoom talks with experts on diverse subjects.

Contact info

100 Queen's Park
Toronto, Ontario



Year built: Founded in 1914
Building type:AttractionHistorical landmarkMuseum

Dates/hours open

May 28, 10:00am - May 29, 05:30pm

Saturday and Sunday: 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; last admittance at 5:15 p.m.