While this site has participated in Doors Open Ontario in the past, it may not be part of the current season’s program. Please check the Home page for this year’s events and participating sites. For Toronto and Ottawa, check their local websites to confirm.

Camp X Memorial, Intrepid ParkDigital Doors Open Whitby

  • Digital Doors Open
  • Virtual tours
  • Collections and resources
  • Kid-friendly
Camp X Memorial, Intrepid Park

Located on the shore of Lake Ontario, the memorial to Camp X at Intrepid Park is dedicated to the men and women who were employed at the British Security Coordination spy training school and communications centre located here during the Second World War. The buildings associated with the site have been demolished or relocated. The memorial was erected in 1984. Over 500 special agents were trained here to go behind enemy lines and “set Europe ablaze,” as dramatized in CBC Television’s X Company. During Digital Doors Open, do some spy training with site expert Lynn Philip Hodgson (see the video below). Or explore the documentary on this acclaimed spy school. Discover what happened to the site after the war ended – and the fascinating role played by women here. And, students, explore the Camp X photo gallery and download images for school projects. Today, while no buildings remain, you can still visit and evoke this fascinating history.

Contact info

2008 Boundary Road
Whitby, Ontario



Building type:AttractionHistorical landmarkMilitary

Dates/hours open

Mar 12, 12:28am - Mar 12, 12:28am